Christmas is fast approaching. I have some ideas to help you in the shopping department this year. I say let's support local, small town businesses, the stay at home mom's trying to earn a little extra cash to help give her kids piano lessons, or be in sports activities and such. How about support an organization that helps others get free from homelessness, abuse, sex trafficking, etc. I have some amazing companies I would love for you to check out and support this holiday season while you buy your loved ones something. Put some thought into it. You can make a difference.
Remember to support your local downtown small businesses. They need your support to stay in business. They are so conveniently located and save you a trip to a bigger city anyway. You save time and gas and money. Win win for everyone! Buy a cup of coffee or hot chocolate from a small cafe, search for unique gift items at the small boutiques. They aren't really priced that much more!!
I love supporting my sweet friend,
Paige, with her Noonday Collection business. Please check this link to see all the amazing products that are offered by artisans from Guatemala, Ethiopa, Uganda, and many more countries. Sweet Paige has even been blessed to meet some of these amazing people. It's for real! This is what their website has to say about their mission:

My other sweet friend
Kimberly Taylor has an amazing project she is helping come to fruition. She needs all of our help. I am so fortunate to be able to help even with my small donation, it all counts!! She is helping build a village! Yes, a village!! Love these people from Uganda that she, along with help from Dr. Isaac and the Grow Hope Foundation, is helping to learn good hygiene practices, provide a space to learn how to grow amazing produce, educate them and show them how to support themselves and make a safe environment to live and raise their kiddos. Who doesn't want that?! You can all be a part of this amazing project. She has an auction coming up soon where you can bid on some wonderful products that the profits will go towards this much needed project. Check out more info here:

Do you not want to squeeze and hug those kiddos?! I sure do!!! Please help them get their village!
These are just some of the amazing people you will help in Uganda.
coming soon... thanks to your help ;)
Another great organization I learned about through another sweet friend,
Shannan Martin, is the organization
Fashionable, Click on the links to get to their websites, thanks! This organization creates sustainable businesses in Africa. Hello Africa, we love you. I have purchased some lovely scarves and jewelry from this company and they hand sign a note of thanks! Hello, thank you sweet workers!
I also love to support this hardworking stay at home mama, just got a part time job, lover of Jesus, artist,
Sasha, otherwise known as Lemonade Makin' Mama. She makes awesome artwork that I love to gift and frame and hang in my own home! These prints make great teacher gifts. Her website is also filled with amazing ideas and her love for Jesus shines through every time. Here is an example of her lovely designs. Check out her etsy site by clicking
Another amazing lady I love to purchase items from is Emily from Jones Design Company. She has a beautiful spirit and her blog is full of amazing pics. Her home is beautiful. She also has some wonderful printable items you can purchase and download or get hard copies of. So amazing. Her prints are great and I love to frame them and give them away as gifts for Godparents and teacher gifts! Check out her site

This is just a sample of what she offers. So cute!!!
We have been packing shoeboxes for about 10 years now helping
Operation Christmas Child get gifts to kids needing an uplifting message of Jesus and a surprise Christmas present. It is always so heartwarming to watch videos of these kiddos opening up those boxes from total strangers. They are so happy. Will you take some time and fill a shoe box this season and get it to your local church or pick up place that accepts the Shoe boxes? Check out the link for places in your area. You can donate online and find out where your boxes will go. Ours have went to India and Mexico the last couple of times we were able to find out. So cool!!
So there you have a few options to make a difference, lend a hand and find amazing products made from people like just you and me. Get those ideas moving folks!
Christmas will be here before we know it. Happy gifting!