Me and Sue Whitney

Gretchen and Me in her and Lani's booth
Me and Lani at Sue's
Serena and Me at the Blog Party
Me and Noreen aka JunkerMidge at Sue's

My Mom, Aunt Marie, and Me
Well everyone these are some of the amazing people I was able to meet up with in person at the Junk Bonanza and our little Junk Market Style party at Sue Whitney's. Most of these people I met off of Sue's JMS site. You must check it out if you haven't already.
I had first met Lani from Cottage Elements in person last year at the Junk Bonanza and kept in touch via email. Then as I started commenting on the JMS site and creating my own blog I started to form a friendship with Gretchen with Mimi-Toria's Designs. She makes the most awesome jewelry out of vintage finds. I was so thrilled to give her a big hug when we met. She is such an amazing woman!!
I first met Amy from Whisperwood Cottage in the early bird line the morning of the Junk Bonanza. I knew it was her right away with her camera in tow. I then met Noreen whom I had always seen commenting on JMS and felt as if I had already known her. We had such a fun time hanging out at Sue's and getting to know one another in a whole new light. I also met the Rockler girls, Laurel aka Chipping Charm, and the Pfarkle sisters, Sharon, Diane, and Janel (saw them in the hotel restaurant the night before and had to go introduce myself. I recognized them from the funny camping pics of Oronoco on the JMS site). Also Kimberly Melamed, Elizabeth, the Country Junkers girls, Mark and Don were at Sue's. We had such a great time!!
Also at the Junk Bonanza blog party I was honored to meet Serena from the Farm Chicks!! She was so sweet to talk with. I was amazed by all the talented people I was surrounded by. I felt like I was in a dream! Someone pinch me!! I also met Ki, Matthew Mead, Linda McDonald from Restyled Home, and Heather Bullard (I won a set of her amazing postcards)!! She was taking pics for an upcoming issue of Where Women Create magazine. So amazing!!
And of course my junking partners my Mom and Aunt Marie. I had such a blast with these two. It is always a great time. Next year I think we are adding some more to the mix. Maybe my sister and another aunt. It is such a fun girls trip. Watch out we may get even crazier!! Thanks ladies for making the trip extra special. I love ya!!
So, I had a fun filled trip and now am getting packed to hit the road yet again for a road trip to Round Top, Texas. Antique Week!!!!!!! I am so excited I can't even stand it. I can't wait to show you all the pics and tell you all about it. I am heading there with another blogging gal I met online, Fancy from Cactus Creek Daily and some of her great friends. Will let ya all know how it goes.
Until then....
You got to meet some really talented people! How fun!!!!
Great pics, Donna! Glad to could join us at Sue's! It was a hoot. Make sure you take lots of pictures in Texas!
Great to meet you in person at Junk Bonanza! What a surprise that I was right behind you in line!! And I was totally shocked to see you in Texas, too!! So fun!
Where you at the blog party? I wish we could have met. I am so glad you stopped by my blog! We do seem to have a lot in common. I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Take care,
Donna, so nice that we had the chance to meet (and that we're now FB friends!). Great post! It really was such fun. I know your off on more junk adventures, but I hope you have time to claim the "Honest Scrap" award I'm presenting to you. Stop by my blog to get it and its guidelines.
Have fun junking.
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