Well the New Year has me wanting to get organzied!!! I long for a real mudroom. Is that sad that I long for that? Well, I have 3 kids and a husband. We have lots of shoes, the boys hunt, fish, play in the mud and snow. That also means coats, coveralls, snowpants, boots, and on and on.... The never ending mess of things I have nowhere to put at the moment. It drives me nuts. So, I look through these images and know they will definitely stay in my inspiration files for when then new house comes along.
So here is what I am looking for in a mudroom:
*There has to be a spot for shoes. So, I am loving the pics with the shelving under the benches for all the shoes. Cause really, we have more than one pair of shoes to put away!! I wish they looked all neat lined up in a row. Ha! Never happens.
*There must be hooks galore! We have lots of coats and 3 backpacks. Along with totes and bags and whatever else I can find. I like the iron hooks. They are sturdy and look good too. They must be spaced properly though because I have had a row of hooks that were too close and the kids could never keep the coats hung up. They were always on the floor!
*I also need baskets or drawers for those mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves. And they really need to be in a spot where the kids can get to them. Easy to put away and get back out. So mom isn't always having to reach up high and get them out of a bin.
*Cabinets will hide the never ending things that have to go into that room that I don't want to look at. Like my tool box for when I need to fix something that isn't getting done:) The laundry essentials, extra light bulbs, things like that.
*Space!! We have learned from our other homes that we cannot skimp on space for the new mudroom. We need ample space to get into the door, hang up items, put on items, get to the next room, and do laundry. Oh yeah the washer and dryer have to be in there too!
*Flooring. I would love to have tile like in the pics above. Very easy to clean, durable and looks great. It can really make the space look like it belongs in the home. Not part of the garage. Which is sometimes where I feel like mine belongs.
*Beauty. As I stated before I want this room to look good too. I love the first pic how they added the mirror above the hooks. Just a little touch like that makes that whole space. I hope I will be able to add some little pieces around the room so you can transition into the home seamlessly.
So, until that new house comes along I will be thinking of some new ways to spruce up the space that we now use as the catchall for all our coats, boots, hats, etc......
What kind of things can you not live without in your mudroom?
1 & 5) Remodeling Center, 2) unknown, 3&4) OrgOptions, 6) Closet-Solutions,
8) 7Sandylake
Really good ideas! Thank you for sharing! Beautiful pictures to file!
Great pics! We are in the process of buying a new house or maybe building and my biggest wish is for more SPACE for all those little shoes, backpacks, coats, etc!!! Hopefully we will find something great!
Hope your year is off to a great start!
Oh how I would love a mudroom. A whole room dedicated to jackets, shoes, backpacks, papers, umbrellas, the cat box, a recycling area, a laundry area...... apparently mine would have to be HUGE!
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