Ok girls, I need your help! I live in a small farming community where there is nothing for the women to do. We are an hour from a mall, unique shopping, and a variety of great restaurants. There are pool leagues, basketball, the local hangout for the guys, but there is nothing for the girls to do to really get together. A lot of the women are working moms who are so busy with work then come home to take care of the kids and then find out there is never enough time for themselves. I think we all feel like this at some point in our lives.
I would like to know what women would like to do if they could get out of the house and get together with other women to be creative and get inspired.
Would you like to take a class and learn how to do something you have always wanted to do? Would you like to have a place to have coffee with the girls, read a good book, make an exciting project out of "junk", cooking lesson, photography, scrapbook, etc...
I would like some input for a project I am putting together.
Can you let me know what you would like to have available to you and the girls to feel like you can have a creative outlet? I would appreciate any ideas.
I would probably put together a crafting group and get together once a week to make something wonderful! I'm working on doing that where I live right now! You could have a pot luck where everyone brings a snack or do coffee and cookies ~ everyone could do a different craft every week or you could all work on the same craft to see how different everyone's turns out based on their level of creativity : ) Good luck finding your fun!!!
You know what I would say -- nothing's more fun than junk recreating with some friends. But I don't get a lot of opportunities to do that. Lunch out with a friend is about as good as it gets.
Good luck with your project!
I'm with my friend, Miss Midge! A junking project night with my girlfriends... We usually get together once a month, bring our junk supplies, tools, (and some snacks) and have BIG fun trying something new together.
Take care and good luck!!!
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